You’ve had a big year and are gearing up for Christmas. The holiday brings all the parties, family gatherings and lots of food! All those sweets, yummy main meals and drinks can be tempting, but it’s easy to get carried away.
Top tips from one of our experienced Nutritional Coaches, Emma Morris (Dietitian and Sports Dietitian):
- Try placing salad or vegetables on your plate first, as this will help control the portion of high-calorie foods.
- Drink plenty of water. This is especially important if you plan to drink alcohol.
- Treat yourself to a small portion of dessert or treats, and remember to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Prioritise your health by maintaining regular exercise. This will help you feel better, increase your energy levels and improve your sleep.

Christmas is a challenging period, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you overindulge. We are here to help throughout the festive period, so reach out if our team can help you or jump online to make a booking.
Emma Morris
Dietitian, Sports Dietitian & Nutritionist, B.App.Sc. (Health Sc), B.Nutr & Diet, A.P.D.

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